The Wonder and Weight of Preaching
The preacher must courageously and ferociously believe that transformation occurs through the interplay of God’s Word and Spirit. He is simply a vessel, a broken jar of...
Preaching as Witness: Expounding and Experiencing the Word
It's all too easy to become academic and cerebral in our approach to the ministry of the Word. If we're not careful, our preaching can become nothing more than a highly...
How Does Our Preaching Testify to Christ?
While God spoke directly to innnocent and sinless humans in Eden, the pattern that emerges once sin enters is that of humanly mediated word. The prophetic word prepares the...
Homiletics Minus Accurate Hermeneutics Equals “Helpless Sham”
Never attempt to proclaim what you can not explain! The one most important of the functional elements of preaching is explanation. The arrangement, the illustration, the...
When Your Own Wife Doesn’t Say Anything about Your Sermon
I was amused and encouraged by these words from Tim Keller. Evidently I'm not the only one who has these conversations with my wife. I remember, some years ago, to when I...