In Defense of Preaching
Our Daily Bread University offers a free, 20-lesson course by John Stott called Biblical Preaching: A Pastor’s Look at Homiletics. For each lesson you can either listen to the audio of Scott's lecture or read the transcript, or both. Stott begins the course with 3...
In Defense of Preaching
Why do we need to preach God’s Word? Is it really necessary?
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John Broadus on Continuous Exposition
Counsel from the past on preaching through books of the Bible
A Manual for Preaching by Abraham Kuruvilla
A review of Abraham Kuruvilla’s A Manual for Preaching.

What Impression Do You Want Your Sermon to Make?
One question we must ask in assessing our preaching is this: "What are my listeners impressed with at the end of my message? Or you could put it this way: "Who are my...

The Story Behind Christ-Centered Preaching
Have you ever been deeply disappointed with your own preaching, felt like a failure, and considered leaving the ministry? Bryan Chapell did, and in a recent Faithlife Today...

Effective Preaching Begins with Obedient Listening
Effective expository preaching finds it origin and power not so much in clever construction as in detailed, obedient listening to God’s voice in the text. ~ David Jackman...

Stop Thief! (Should I Have Put That in Quotes?)
Students regularly ask me when and how to cite sources in their sermons. There is, of course, no easy, one-size-fits-all, black-and-white answer to their question. As J. D....
Leaf Looking or Tree Shaking? Text, Context, and Sermon Preparation
Okay, so you have your preaching text selected for this Sunday and you're ready to dig in and start studying. Question--where should you start? Should you begin by studying...
The 10 P’s of Preaching: A Big-Picture Perspective
I find it helpful at times to take a step back from the nitty-gritty details of weekly sermon preparation and think about preaching from a big picture perspective. There are...