Ignoring the Christ-centered canonical context of Scripture is no less reductionist and problematic than ignoring the immediate context of the human author. A wooden...
How to Select a Preaching Text, Part 2
(This post is the second in a two-part series. You can read Part 1 here.) Sunday is over and another sermon is in the books. Now it’s Monday and you can take a break, right?...
How to Select a Preaching Text, Part 1
(This is the first a two-part series on selecting a preaching text within an expository book series.) There are a number of factors involved in selecting a text (or topic or...
Popery in the Pulpit
The preacher has neither authority nor right to use the pulpit as a place to express his own opinions on anything: the pulpit is not a soapbox. Too many preachers have...
Our Calling as Preachers
Our calling as preachers is really very simple. We study, we stand before our people, we read the text, and we explain it. We reprove, rebuke, exhort, encourage, and...
The Risks and Rewards of Preaching an Expository Book Series
Kevin DeYoung discusses the benefits and dangers of preaching consecutively through books of the Bible. http://vimeo.com/87622243 Here are the risks, according to DeYoung:...
Preaching: That Slow, Long-Term But Time-Tested and God-Honored Method of Church Growth
Preaching may be slow work; it often is; it is a long-term policy. But my whole contention is that it works, that it pays, and that it is honoured, and must be, because it...
Devotional Preaching: Worshipping Your Way Through Your Sermon
There's . . . an underplayed devotional aspect to preaching. . . . One of the most powerful things is when your people get to watch you worship your way through your own...
How Can Preachers Receive Compliments Humbly?
"How can young preachers receive compliments humbly?" This was a question posed to Al Mohler on his 02-08-14 Ask Anything:Weekend edition. His answer is quite thoughtful and...
So, Preacher, What’s Your Thing?
I recently listened to an audio recording of Sinclair Ferguson addressing the topic of "Preaching Christ in All the Scriptures." In the following excerpt he explains why he...