"Am I called to preach?" On occasion a young man will come into my office asking that very question or one similar to it, like, "How would I know if God is calling me to...
Impression or Information: What Is Your Objective in Preaching?
When you preach do you preach primarily to impart information to your listeners or to make an impact and impression on your listeners? This is an important question, the...
Logos, Ethos, & Pathos: Experiencing the Pleasure of God in Preaching
Do you ever long to sense the pleasure of God as you preach? Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 2:4, Just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we...
“Lord, Send a Revival”: Preaching for Gospel Renewal
What kind of preaching stimulates true growth and vibrancy in a local church? In his book Center Church Tim Keller gives 5 characteristics of preaching for gospel renewal or...
Sermon Illustration: Viewing Tragedy through the Lens of the Cross
In light of this recent example of gut-wrenching human tragedy, I found an illustration from Bryan Chapell helpful for visualizing what it looks like to view human tragedy...
Seven Qualities of Effective Expository Preaching
In his book 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching, Wayne McDill gives seven qualities of effective expository preaching: The preacher’s first aim is to discover the text...
Preaching Christ and the Smile of God
It's entirely too easy for preachers to be governed by a fear of man. "What will people think?" "Will they like my message?" "Will I get in trouble with so-and-so for making...
Homiletics Minus Accurate Hermeneutics Equals “Helpless Sham”
Never attempt to proclaim what you can not explain! The one most important of the functional elements of preaching is explanation. The arrangement, the illustration, the...
Preaching that Encourages Unity: A Cross-Centered Approach
Before I preach I nearly always ask God to cleanse my heart and purify my motives. It's so easy to preach the right message for all the wrong reasons (cf. Phil. 1:15-17). In...
Reviewing the Main Points 07.12.13
Here are a few preaching-related articles and resources that surfaced this past week. The Biggest Mistakes Young Preachers Make - Matt Smethurst Tullian Tchividjian, Voddie...