Top 5 Posts of 2013

Top 5 Posts of 2013

I began this blog back in April. At the time I had no idea where it would go, or, frankly, if it would go anywhere. But I'm thankful for a good friend who encouraged me to...

Frag-men-tar-y Ex-po-si-tion

Frag-men-tar-y Ex-po-si-tion

In a sincere effort to emphasize the text of Scripture and to keep their messages biblical, some preachers engage in what we could call "fragmentary exposition." Here is the...

The Wonder and Weight of Preaching

The Wonder and Weight of Preaching

The preacher must courageously and ferociously believe that transformation occurs through the interplay of God’s Word and Spirit. He is simply a vessel, a broken jar of...

How Does Our Preaching Testify to Christ?

How Does Our Preaching Testify to Christ?

While God spoke directly to innnocent and sinless humans in Eden, the pattern that emerges once sin enters is that of humanly mediated word. The prophetic word prepares the...

The Adventure Called Preaching

The Adventure Called Preaching

Preaching is an adventure. It really is. It's an exciting, somewhat risky enterprise, because you never know what's going to happen when you preach. There's no way to...