I began this blog back in April. At the time I had no idea where it would go, or, frankly, if it would go anywhere. But I’m thankful for a good friend who encouraged me to do it and who got me up and running.
I often think of what E. M. Forster wrote: “How do I know what I think until I see what I say.” Blogging has forced me to “see what I say.” And that has been invaluable for clarifying “what I think” in many areas. The significance of preaching demands that we devote careful thought to what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.
I have also enjoyed connecting with some old friends and new friends along the way and getting your helpful input and feedback.
So, to anyone who has visited my blog, read it on a regular basis, and/or taken the time to comment and share, I say “thank you.” I trust the content has been helpful to you in some small way.
Whenever you publish a post there’s no telling what may happen to it. It may be completely ignored, or it may end up striking a chord. Here are 5 posts from the past year that evidently struck a chord with readers. Enjoy, and have a blessed new year!
1. Mohler on Why Expository Preaching Is Such a Bad Idea
Expository preaching is so bad that only a sovereign God would come up with it to show His glory in a fallen world by using it to call sinners to Christ and to mold believers into conformity with the image of His Son.
2. Just Get the Point of the Passage–That’s All We’re Asking Out of You
John MacArthur shares the greatest lesson he ever learned about preaching.
3. Frag-men-tar-y Ex-po-si-tion
I applaud those who reverence God’s Word enough to take it seriously in their exposition. I appreciate those who want their preaching to be thoroughly biblical. But fragmentary exposition is not the best approach. Fragmentary exposition leads to a fragmentary understanding on the part of the listener. Instead, approach the details of the passage as a means to arriving at the main idea of the passage. Then preach the main idea as the main idea and keep the supporting cast in the background.
4. Impression or Information: What Is Your Objective in Preaching?
When you preach do you preach primarily to impart information to your listeners or to make an impact and impression on your listeners?
Our philosophy of preaching informs and directs our practice of preaching. So what core beliefs govern what you do when you preach God’s Word?