Am I Called to Preach?

Am I Called to Preach?

"Am I called to preach?" On occasion a young man will come into my office asking that very question or one similar to it, like, "How would I know if God is calling me to...

Preaching Christ and the Smile of God

Preaching Christ and the Smile of God

It's entirely too easy for preachers to be governed by a fear of man. "What will people think?" "Will they like my message?" "Will I get in trouble with so-and-so for making...

Reviewing the Main Points 07.12.13

Reviewing the Main Points 07.12.13

Here are a few preaching-related articles and resources that surfaced this past week. The Biggest Mistakes Young Preachers Make - Matt Smethurst Tullian Tchividjian, Voddie...