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So, Preacher, What’s Your Thing?

So, Preacher, What’s Your Thing?

I recently listened to an audio recording of Sinclair Ferguson addressing the topic of "Preaching Christ in All the Scriptures." In the following excerpt he explains why he...

Top 5 Posts of 2013

Top 5 Posts of 2013

I began this blog back in April. At the time I had no idea where it would go, or, frankly, if it would go anywhere. But I'm thankful for a good friend who encouraged me to...

Frag-men-tar-y Ex-po-si-tion

Frag-men-tar-y Ex-po-si-tion

In a sincere effort to emphasize the text of Scripture and to keep their messages biblical, some preachers engage in what we could call "fragmentary exposition." Here is the...

The Wonder and Weight of Preaching

The Wonder and Weight of Preaching

The preacher must courageously and ferociously believe that transformation occurs through the interplay of God’s Word and Spirit. He is simply a vessel, a broken jar of...

How Does Our Preaching Testify to Christ?

How Does Our Preaching Testify to Christ?

While God spoke directly to innnocent and sinless humans in Eden, the pattern that emerges once sin enters is that of humanly mediated word. The prophetic word prepares the...

The Adventure Called Preaching

The Adventure Called Preaching

Preaching is an adventure. It really is. It's an exciting, somewhat risky enterprise, because you never know what's going to happen when you preach. There's no way to...

Am I Called to Preach?

Am I Called to Preach?

"Am I called to preach?" On occasion a young man will come into my office asking that very question or one similar to it, like, "How would I know if God is calling me to...

Preaching Christ and the Smile of God

Preaching Christ and the Smile of God

It's entirely too easy for preachers to be governed by a fear of man. "What will people think?" "Will they like my message?" "Will I get in trouble with so-and-so for making...

Reviewing the Main Points 07.12.13

Reviewing the Main Points 07.12.13

Here are a few preaching-related articles and resources that surfaced this past week. The Biggest Mistakes Young Preachers Make - Matt Smethurst Tullian Tchividjian, Voddie...

The Key to Fervent Preaching

The Key to Fervent Preaching

One thing I wrestle with as a homiletics teacher is how to instill fervency or passion in my students as they preach. I have discovered that I can encourage it and try to...

Preaching Is More than Regurgitation

Preaching Is More than Regurgitation

Preaching is more than regurgitating your favorite exegetical commentary, recasting the sermons of your favorite preachers, or reshaping notes from one of your favorite...

The One Mode of Preaching God Promises to Bless

The One Mode of Preaching God Promises to Bless

It must never be forgotten, that there is but one mode of preaching that God has promised to bless: "when all our sermons . . . are made to set forth and magnify Christ the...

Reviewing the Main Points 06.28.13

Reviewing the Main Points 06.28.13

Here are some preaching-related resources from this past week all nicely packaged up on one page. Let the Tone of Your Sermon Match the Tone of Your Text - Trevin Wax Giving...

My Philosophy of Preaching

My Philosophy of Preaching

Have you ever taken the time to write down your personal philosophy of preaching? It's an extremely revealing and clarifying exercise. Here's what I did. I sat down and...

Reviewing the Main Points 06.21.13

Reviewing the Main Points 06.21.13

Here are some preaching-related resources that surfaced this past week. The Biblical Preaching of John Calvin - Steven Lawson We must have Calvins again. And by God’s grace,...