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Forming and Being Formed

Forming and Being Formed

When an expositor studies his Bible, the Holy Spirit probes the preacher's life. As a man prepares sermons, God prepares the man. As the expositor masters a passage, he will...

Reviewing the Main Points 06.14.13

Reviewing the Main Points 06.14.13

Enjoy these preaching-related links and summaries from the past week. Especially note Peter Mead's helpful 3-part series on explanation in preaching. 9 Teaching Methods of...

Show Your Support! Your Main Points Need It.

Show Your Support! Your Main Points Need It.

How often do we simply assert our main point in a sermon, read a couple of supporting verses with little to no comment, and then move on to illustrate or apply the concept?...

A Prayer for Preachers

A Prayer for Preachers

My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim, To spread through all the earth abroad The honors of Thy name. - Charles Wesley

Reviewing the Main Points 06.07.13

Reviewing the Main Points 06.07.13

The web was alive with preaching resources this past week, especially with discussions related to Christ-centered preaching. Enjoy! Christ-Centered Preaching (Part 1): The...

Reviewing the Main Points 05.31.13

Reviewing the Main Points 05.31.13

Looking for something to read this weekend related to preaching? Here are some links and "main points" collected from recent blog posts and other online resources. When Your...

One-Note, One-Nail Preaching

One-Note, One-Nail Preaching

Is there a temptation in preaching to become a one-note messenger? To be so singularly focused on a particular issue or doctrine that every sermon ends up sounding the same...

What Kind of Shape Is Your Sermon In?

What Kind of Shape Is Your Sermon In?

There are a lot of things to think about when preparing a message. But how many of us think about how we think? And let me go one step further--how many of us think about...

You’re Invited to a Wedding!

You’re Invited to a Wedding!

There's a wedding that should be taking place in every church on every Sunday from every pulpit. It's the wedding of biblical content and passionate delivery. Unfortunately,...

Is My Sermon Preparation Steeped in Prayer?

Is My Sermon Preparation Steeped in Prayer?

A good reminder from James Rosscup: Prayer is not an elective but the principal element in the kaleidoscope of spiritual characteristics that mark a preacher. These traits...

Your Sermon Text Is Not Just a Text

Your Sermon Text Is Not Just a Text

What is your sermon text for tomorrow? Of course, when we hear the words "sermon text" we immediately think of some passage of Scripture. That's all well and good. But have...

The Ultimate Source of Authority in Preaching

The Ultimate Source of Authority in Preaching

There is something inherently horrid about human beings who claim and attempt to wield a personal authority they do not possess. It is particularly inappropriate in the...

Three Biblical Foundations of Preaching

Three Biblical Foundations of Preaching

In his book Speaking God's Words: A Practical Theology of Preaching, Peter Adam gives three biblical foundations of preaching: 1. God has spoken. Without God's words there...